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No place in the country is free from the risk of disasters. From the East to the West Coast, America’s diverse geography and environments are prone to disasters that range from floods to wildfires. Added to the natural calamities are man-made crises that include violent crimes and bomb threats.

Schools should be havens of security and safety for school children, but recent events have shown that schools are not spared from trouble. Several schools have seen disasters play out on their campuses, including violent crimes such as indiscriminate shootings as well as natural calamities such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, and wildfires.

Most schools in the country have disaster plans in place. School administrators and other stakeholders often work hard to prepare in advance for both natural and manmade catastrophes. These could range from something as simple as a power outage to an on-campus shooting. Most school buildings have been retrofitted to be earthquake-resistant. Where violent crimes are concerned, schools generally have lockdown procedures in place.

In addition to emergency plans, school administrators work to promote disaster awareness. That way, both the staff and students can be familiar with what to expect and how to react to different types of disasters.

Part of the school’s preparedness arsenal may include mitigation plans for emergencies. These strategies can reduce potential consequences of an impending disaster. The staff should prepare to take measures to ensure survival with limited injury or damage. Recovery and reconstruction plans should be addressed to minimize disruptions to school operations.

Many schools conduct regular drills to give students and staff the chance to practice reacting to catastrophes. The school administrator should analyze the drill and shore up any weaknesses.

As part of every school’s reconstruction process, they should coordinate with the area’s disaster cleanup experts. Trained professionals can come at a moment’s notice and get the recovery process rolling. Layton disaster specialists and other Utah clean up specialists can help get educational institutions back on their feet in as little time as possible.